Follow Chris on Instagram for Motivation and Mindset Coaching Tips Daily on his story.
“Chris has been my swing coach and mental coach for 7 years. I have been able to push through all the roadblocks that most players face along the way. Chris has an amazing perspective and an ability to make me see things in a positive way. Let’s go! – as he says – Proud Student
“I have been to Tony Robbins events three times, Chris gives me a lot of the same feelings as Tony. Proud to be a friend of Chris’s and he has helped me a lot over the years. – Matt Keyworth
“Chris helped my wife and I go through some hard times. He has knowledge, perspective, and guidance that motivated us to work through our problems. I am thankful for the time spent with Chris. – Anonymous
“I have been following Chris online and his energy is second to none. I was able to transform by business with Chris’s morning routine and guidance. Life is great!
To schedule a session with Chris please call 619-339-2377 or email